It was very hot in London and busy summer for me.
Finally, a big event for this Autumn, the Goldsmiths' Fair is over and I have some time off on weekend to visit some art works outside my studio.
Before the Fair, a photographer, Sylvain Deleu took those fantastic photos for me.
Some of the photos from the Fair.
LS Lowry (1887-1976)
His paintings show the typical atmosphere which Britain obtained or obtains still now. Also, his paintings tell me lots of stories in them. Not only the buildings but all human figures attracted me and made me smile at the gallery.
"LS Lowry devoted his life to painting the England of the industrial Revolution. 'I saw the industrial scene,' he said, 'and I was affected by it. I wanted to get a certain effect on the canvas. I couldn't describe it, but I knew it when I'd got it.'---- "The streets were gloomy to him, but magnificent. 'I was inspired by their beauty,' he said." (from Tate Britain's pamphlet)

Finally, a big event for this Autumn, the Goldsmiths' Fair is over and I have some time off on weekend to visit some art works outside my studio.
Before the Fair, a photographer, Sylvain Deleu took those fantastic photos for me.
Some of the photos from the Fair.
some new rings, earrings and necklaces...
Of course, my favourites, brooches...
I visited Tate Modern and Britain this weekend. I love paintings. Moreover, I love looking at them with all the background such as the histories and their personal stories. Those galleries are really great in informing those to us. I always really enjoy seeing from their earlier works to the latest work, by reading and looking at how they transformed their passion, interests and techniques into the works. I was very impressed and touched by those paintings. They are not only beautiful but great story-tellers on the paintings and artists. Often, the great works are fresh and have never faded by the time. The enormous amount of works always tells me about their efforts, passions and challenges. I love those conversations wit the art works. It is great to see how they developed their works over the whole period of their career.
I obviously love architecture and geometric shapes, and also natural forms. Why are we always inspired by those things? We have captured many things with the square shapes, lines and frames. Most of the things in this world are made by those shapes, such as pictures, paintings(canvases), buildings, electronics etc. Apparently, those are very reasonable and functional, at the same time, it never stops fascinating us in looking or imaging inside or even outside them. It gives enough space for us to create and imagine things.
His paintings show the typical atmosphere which Britain obtained or obtains still now. Also, his paintings tell me lots of stories in them. Not only the buildings but all human figures attracted me and made me smile at the gallery.
"LS Lowry devoted his life to painting the England of the industrial Revolution. 'I saw the industrial scene,' he said, 'and I was affected by it. I wanted to get a certain effect on the canvas. I couldn't describe it, but I knew it when I'd got it.'---- "The streets were gloomy to him, but magnificent. 'I was inspired by their beauty,' he said." (from Tate Britain's pamphlet)
Paul Klee (1879-1940)
"Klee's very personal use of line and colour allowed him to move between images that connect to the outside world and pure abstruction." (from Tate Modern's pamphlet)
His latest paintings had changed dramatically since the earlier works. His innovative and experimental works kept him moving further over the whole period of his career. His process has inspired me a lot in my attitude toward the creation.
Those are some of the photos I took recently. How beautiful they are, when nature meets the manmade objects.